ENVIROSENSE FIRE – Fire Safety Monitoring

ENVIROSENSE FIRE is Envirosense Technology s Fire Monitoring Safety solution. It works by connect to and monitoring the Main Fire Alarm Panel (MFAP) in a facility and alerting the operators and fire safety teams whenever an alarm is triggered.

This can also be extended to maintenance, in which the MFAPs are also monitored for maintenance reasons to ensure maximum uptime and minimum issues with the fire system.

Challenges with the Conventional System

Conventional fire alarm systems face a series of challenges, with the most significant factors being:

Fire Alarm signals are locked in the Main Fire Alarm Panel

With some modern MFAPS and most older ones, the alarm signals are limited to the Fire Control room and the panels themselves.

Fire Alarm alerts can only be sent by those inside the Fire Control Room

Currently, if an alarm is triggered, only those within the fire control room will be aware of exactly where the fire is and when it occurred.

MFAPs may not be maintained correctly

Many MFAPs are not regularly inspected and checked. This can lead to failures in alarm monitoring and in turn lead to dangerous fires within a facility.


Cloud Based Fire Alarm Monitoring

With the ENVIROSENSE FIRE solution, these signals can be unlocked and fed to the Cloud, which will then allow for immediate alerting to those who are not inside the fire room. This will ensure that the fire safety team is aware of every single alarm triggered during their shift and enables rapid response.

Ensure MFAP functionality

By monitoring the MFAPs with the ENVIROSENSE FIRE solution, the maintenance information of the panels can also be monitored and relayed to the on-site maintenance team. This include AC status and other important maintenance data. By giving this information to the maintenance team, the uptime of the MFAPs can be maximized while reducing the chance a fire is not detected due to hardware issues in the MFAP.

Real-Time, Accurate Alerting

By connecting the fire alarm signals to the ENVIROSENSE cloud platform, alerts can also be programmed to go out to individual personnel in charge of fire safety. For example, an entire fire safety team can be put onto the alerting schedule, which will mean every time an alarm is triggered, the entire team is aware of it.

This can be done even for those who may not be on call, to allow for awareness amongst the team. If the MFAP allows for it, the ENVIROSENSE FIRE system can even inform the team of which system detected the fire and where the alarm was triggered within the facility.

Success Stories

Envirosense Technology went in and installed our ENVIROSENSE FIRE solution to assist with consolidating all the fire alarm signals onto one platform that can be monitored from the Fire Station, allowing the fire safety personnel to more rapidly respond to alarms. In addition to this, the maintenance status of the panels is also collected and given to the maintenance department. Ensuring that the Fire Alarm Panels are in working condition is key to keeping the port safe.

Customer (port company)

Situated at one of developed country of SE Asia, the customer is one of the largest multi-purpose ports of its kind in the national ports system. Spanning over 11km across, it has it’s own fire station on site for monitoring and responding to any fire emergencies that occur within the port.


For implementation, contact us or call +91 8920149032

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